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Symfony bundle for creating temporary URLs to your resources. You provide the resource in a plain PHP object, and a service to turn it into a HTTP response. The framework handles the rest.


Make sure Composer is installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation.

Open a command console, enter your project directory, and execute:

composer config extra.symfony.allow-contrib true
composer require rekalogika/temporary-url-bundle

If you're using WebpackEncore, install your assets and restart Encore (not needed if you're using AssetMapper):

yarn install --force
yarn watch

Creating a Resource Class

Create a class that describes your resource. There is no particular requirement for this class, except that it must be serializable.

class MyData
public function __construct(private string $name)

public function getName(): string
return $this->name;

You can reuse your existing event, message, DTO, value objects, or other similar classes for this purpose.

Creating a Resource Server

Then create a server class or method that transforms the resource into an HTTP response. Use the AsTemporaryUrlServer attribute to mark the method as a temporary URL server. If the attribute is attached to the class, then the method is assumed to be __invoke(). The method must accept the resource as its first argument, and return a Response object.

use Rekalogika\TemporaryUrl\Attribute\AsTemporaryUrlServer;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

class MyDataServer
public function respond(MyData $data): Response
return new Response('My name is ' . $data->getName());

Generating a Temporary URL

To generate a temporary URL, use the TemporaryUrlGeneratorInterface service.

use Rekalogika\TemporaryUrl\TemporaryUrlGeneratorInterface;

/** @var TemporaryUrlGeneratorInterface $temporaryUrlGenerator */

$resource = new MyData('123');
$url = $temporaryUrlGenerator->generateUrl($resource);

The TemporaryUrlGeneratorInterface::generateUrl() offers additional options:

  • $ttl (int or DateInterval): The time-to-live of the URL. Defaults to 30 minutes.
  • $pinSession (bool): Whether to pin the URL to the session. Pinned URLs can only be accessed by the same user that generated them. Defaults to false.
  • $referenceType (int): The type of reference to be generated (one of the UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_* constants). Defaults to UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_PATH.

In Twig Templates

In a Twig template, you can use the filter temporary_url to generate a temporary URL. Use the function temporary_url_autoexpire on links to make them unclickable after the URL expires.

{# my_data here is a resource object #}
<a href="{{ my_data|temporary_url }}" {{ temporary_url_autoexpire() }}>
Click here to download my data

The filter accepts the same options as the generateUrl() method above.

Dealing With Unserializable Resources

If your resource is not serializable, you can create a resource transformer method that converts your resource into an intermediate serializable object.

use Rekalogika\TemporaryUrl\Attribute\AsTemporaryUrlResourceTransformer;
use Rekalogika\TemporaryUrl\Attribute\AsTemporaryUrlServer;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

class MyDataServer
* This method transforms the resource into a serializable object.
public function transform(MyUnserializableData $data): MySerializableData
return new MySerializableData($data);

* This uses the transformed data and send it to the client.
public function respond(MySerializableData $data): Response
return new Response('My name is ' . $data->getName());

Using the above example, you will be able to generate a temporary URL to MyUnserializableData. The framework will automatically transform MyUnserializableData to MySerializableData behind the scenes.




Issues and pull requests should be filed in the GitHub repository rekalogika/temporary-url-bundle.