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Base class for our providers and processors.

This package provides AbstractProvider and AbstractProcessor to be extended by your state providers and processors. They consist of useful methods that are commonly used in the state providers and processors. Some of the methods are 'stolen' from AbstractController, so anyone familiar with Symfony controllers should feel at home.


If you don't want your state providers and processors to extend AbstractState, read the Usage Without AbstractState section.


Maps an object to another object. Useful for mapping an entity to its API resource DTO.

/** @var Book $book */

$bookDto = $this->map($book, BookDto::class);

// also works with an existing object

$bookDto = new BookDto();
$this->map($book, $bookDto);


Takes a supported collection object, and returns a PaginatorInterface with its items mapped to the specified class. It also respects the current page and items per page of the endpoint.

/** @var Book $book */

// returns a paginator of `ReviewDto`
return $this->mapCollection(
collection: $book->getReviews(),
target: BookDto::class,
operation: $operation, // operation from the `provide()` method
context: $context, // context from the `provide()` method

If the target is null, mapCollection() skips the mapping, it only does the pagination.


Returns the current user according to the security system.

$user = $this->getUser();


Checks if the attribute is granted against the current authentication token and the supplied subject.

if (!$this->isGranted('view', $book)) {
throw $this->createAccessDeniedException();


Throws an AccessDeniedException if the attribute is not granted against the current authentication token and optionally the supplied subject.

$this->denyAccessUnlessGranted('view', $book);


Creates an AccessDeniedException.


Creates a NotFoundException.