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Interfaces provided by this package.


This package enhances Doctrine Collections by extending the Collection interface with additional methods. We call this new interface Recollection.

Recollection classes Recollection classes

In Doctrine Collection, the following methods accept int|string as the argument. In Recollection, they are overridden, and these arguments are widened to mixed:

  • containsKey($key)
  • get($key)
  • remove($key)
  • set($key, $value)

The widening can remove some boilerplate code because the caller no longer needs to perform type checking and conversion. It will be done by our classes instead.

Recollection adds these new methods:

  • fetch($key): Similar to get($key), but throws an exception if the object is not found. If uncaught in a web application, this exception will automatically be converted to a 404 response, which will further avoid boilerplate code.
  • refreshCount(): Recalculates the count of the collection. The exact behavior depends on the provided counting strategy.

It also extends PageableInterface which enables pagination support.


A minimal version of Recollection that does not extend Doctrine Collection but retains its safe methods with compatible signature. These are the methods that should never trigger full initialization of an extra-lazy Collection.

The idea is that if a collection becomes too large, you can simply switch to the corresponding minimal version, run static analysis, and refactor the parts of your code that still call non-safe methods.

MinimalRecollection classes MinimalRecollection classes


This interface will be updated if Doctrine adds new safe methods in the future. Currently, the glaring omissions are the remove and removeElement methods. We expect them to be added to Doctrine ORM eventually.


An extra-minimal version of Recollection that only extends PageableInterface.

PageableRecollection classes PageableRecollection classes


An alternative implementation of the repository pattern using the Recollection interface. You can treat the repository like a regular collection.

Repository classes Repository classes

It adds one new method:

  • reference($key): Creates a reference, or a proxy object, to the object identified by the given key. This method has the same function as the EntityManagerInterface::getReference() method.


The minimal flavor of Repository above.

MinimalRepository classes MinimalRepository classes

It adds these new methods:

  • reference($key): Creates a reference, or a proxy object, to the object identified by the given key. This method has the same function as the EntityManagerInterface::getReference() method.
  • remove($key): Removes the object identified by the given key.
  • removeElement($element): Removes the given element from the repository.