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Lazy Chained Matching

If you call matching() on a PersistentCollection, it will immediately query the database and return the result, even if you won't use the result. If you call matching() again on the result, it will be processed from the in-memory ArrayCollection, not from the database.


With EXTRA_LAZY fetch mode, PersistentCollection will return a LazyCriteriaCollection. But subsequent matching() call on the result will still be processed immediately.

We can decorate the collection so that chained-matching() will be done lazily. The database query will only be done when the caller asks for the result. Calling matching() will only merge the supplied criteria to the existing criteria.

With the standard behavior, the following code will do the processing three times (twice with EXTRA_LAZY). With our decorator, it will only be done once when foreach is called.

/** @var Collection<array-key,mixed> $collection */
/** @var Criteria $criteria1 */
/** @var Criteria $criteria2 */
/** @var Criteria $criteria3 */

$result = $collection

foreach ($result as $item) {
// ...

The Decorator Class

This package already comes with LazyMatchingCollection that you can use for this purpose.

Usage Example in Entities

use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Rekalogika\Collections\Decorator\LazyMatching\LazyMatchingCollection;

class BookShelf
#[ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity: Book::class, fetch: 'EXTRA_LAZY', indexBy: 'id')]
private Collection $books;

public function __construct()
$this->books = new ArrayCollection();

* @return Collection<array-key,Book>&Selectable<array-key,Book>
public function getBooks(): Collection&Selectable
return new LazyMatchingCollection($this->books);

public function getScienceBooks(): Collection
return $this->getBooks()->matching(
->where(Criteria::expr()->eq('genre', 'science'))

public function getOldScienceBooks(): Collection
return $this->getScienceBook()->matching(
->where(Criteria::expr()->lt('publishedAt', new \DateTime('-10 years')))

The Caller Side

Then the caller will be able to do something like this:

$bookShelf = $entityManager->find(BookShelf::class, 1);

$oldScienceBook = $bookShelf->getOldScienceBook();

foreach ($oldScienceBook as $book) {
echo $book->getTitle();

With this example, there will be only two database queries, one due to $entityManager->find(), and one due to the foreach call.