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This chapter describes how to use the bundle.

Specifying the URL to the Gotenberg Server

The bundle uses the GOTENBERG_URL environment variable to determine the URL to the Gotenberg server. You can override it using the standard Symfony environment variable mechanism.

General Usage

Callers will interact with the PdfGeneratorInterface to generate PDF files. The PdfGeneratorInterface is a high-level interface that abstracts away the implementation details of the underlying PDF generator.

namespace Rekalogika\Contracts\Print;

use Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface;

interface PdfGeneratorInterface
public function generatePdfFromHtml(
string $htmlContent,
PaperInterface $paper,
PageLayoutInterface $pageLayout,
?string $header = null,
?string $footer = null,
): StreamInterface;

To get an instance of PdfGeneratorInterface, you can usually autowire it in your controller or service:

namespace App\Controller;

use Rekalogika\Contracts\Print\PdfGeneratorInterface;

class AppController
public function index(PdfGeneratorInterface $pdfGenerator)
// ...

generatePdfFromHtml() returns a PSR-7 StreamInterface containing the resulting PDF file. To get the raw PHP resource, call detach() on the result.

Paper Size

The method generatePdfFromHtml requires a $paper parameter containing a PaperInterface instance. It defines the paper size of the PDF output. You can use the Paper class to create a paper size:

use Rekalogika\Print\Paper;

$a4Paper = Paper::A4(); // A4
$letterPaper = Paper::Letter(); // Letter
$customPaper = Paper::inMm(200, 300); // Custom paper size in mm
$customPaperInInches = Paper::inInches(7, 10); // Custom paper size in inches

There are many other paper sizes defined in the class.

Page Layout

The method generatePdfFromHtml requires a $pageLayout parameter containing a PageLayoutInterface instance. It defines the orientation of the page and its margins. You can use the PageLayout class to create a page layout:

use Rekalogika\Print\PageLayout;
use Rekalogika\Contracts\Print\PageOrientation;

// Portrait with 30mm margins
$layout = PageLayout::inMm(PageOrientation::Portrait, 30);

// Landscape with 2 inches of vertical margin and 1 inch of horizontal margin
$layout = PageLayout::inInches(PageOrientation::Landscape, 2, 1);

// Portrait with 10mm top margin, 20mm right margin, 30mm bottom margin, and
// 40mm left margin
$layout = PageLayout::inMm(PageOrientation::Portrait, 10, 20, 30, 40);

The $header and $footer parameters of generatePdfFromHtml are optional. You can use them to specify the HTML content of the header and footer of the PDF file. Read the Header and Footer chapter of the Gotenberg documentation to learn more.