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Pageables and Pages

A PageableInterface represents a collection that can be partitioned into pages, or PageInterface.

Pageable Pageable

Pageable Implementations


The KeysetPageable is a pageable that supports keyset pagination. It is available with the rekalogika/rekapager-keyset-pagination package.

It takes an implementation of KeysetPaginationAdapterInterface as its argument. The library currently provides two implementations:

  • SelectableAdapter
  • QueryBuilderAdapter


The OffsetPageable is a pageable that supports offset pagination. It is available with the rekalogika/rekapager-offset-pagination package.

It takes an implementation of OffsetPaginationAdapterInterface as its argument. The library currently provides three implementations:

  • CollectionAdapter
  • SelectableAdapter
  • PagerfantaAdapterAdapter

PagerfantaAdapterAdapter allows the use of the existing Pagerfanta adapters.


Takes a Pagerfanta object and turns it into a PageableInterface. It is available with the rekalogika/rekapager-pagerfanta-adapter package.

Pageable Properties

All PageableInterface implementations should have the following properties.

Number of items per page

In OffsetPageable & KeysetPageable, the number of items per page is set in the constructor parameter $itemsPerPage, with the default value of 50. In PagerfantaPageable, it is taken from the underlying Pagerfanta object.

The value can be altered post-instantiation using the withItemsPerPage() wither method, or rather you get a new instance with a different number of items per page.

use Rekalogika\Contracts\Rekapager\PageableInterface;

/** @var PageableInterface $pageable */

$pageableWith10ItemsPerPage = $pageable->withItemsPerPage(10);

The count strategy

There are three strategies for counting the total number of items: ignore (and assume the count is unknown), fetch the count from the underlying data, or supplied by the caller. By default, all implementations use 'ignore' because it is the safest option.

All pageables accepts the $count parameter in the constructor. The parameter accepts integer or bool. false means the count is unknown, true means the count is fetched from the underlying data, and an integer is the count value supplied by the caller.

Page limit

The maximum page number that can be navigated to. Beyond the limit, the page is disabled. By default, the limit is 100.

Only applicable to OffsetPageable and PagerfantaPageable. Does not make sense with KeysetPageable, so the option is not provided there.

Example Usage

use Rekalogika\Contracts\Rekapager\PageableInterface;

/** @var PageableInterface $pageable */

// Getting the first page
$firstPage = $pageable->getFirstPage();

// Getting the last page. Some pageable does not support seeking to the last
// page, and will return null.
$lastPage = $pageable->getLastPage();

// Getting the second page, or the page after the first page
$secondPage = $firstPage->getNextPage();

// Getting three pages after the first page
$nextPages = $firstPage->getNextPages(3);

// All pages are instances of PageInterface.
// Every page has an identifier object, which we can use to get the page later.
$pageIdentifier = $secondPage->getIdentifier();

// Getting a page by its identifier
$alsoSecondPage = $pageable->getPageByIdentifier($pageIdentifier);

Page Identifiers

Every page has an identifier object, that can be used to get the page later. The class of this identifier object is determined by the implementation of the PageableInterface. Keyset pagination uses the KeysetPageIdentifier class, while offset pagination uses the PageNumber class.

Each of these page identifier classes is accompanied by a PageIdentifierEncoderInterface which is used to encode and decode the identifier object from and to a string. This string is used as query string parameter in the URL.

The PageNumber object is encoded as a simple integer.

The rekapager/rekapager-keyset-pagination package ships with two encoders:

  • SerializeSecretKeysetPageIdentifierEncoder which uses PHP's serialize() and unserialize() functions. It is protected by checksums to prevent tampering.
  • SymfonySerializerKeysetPageIdentifierEncoder which uses Symfony's Serializer component to serialize and unserialize the object.

Our Symfony integration uses the latter encoder.