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Dispatch Events

When a domain event is dispatched, another event is dispatched. The event wraps the original domain event, allowing you to listen to all domain events in a single listener.

These events are dispatched using the default Symfony event dispatcher.

List of the Dispatch Events

  • DomainEventImmediateDispatchEvent: dispatched immediately after the domain event is recorded.
  • DomainEventPreFlushDispatchEvent: dispatched before the flush() is called.
  • DomainEventPostFlushDispatchEvent: dispatched after the flush() is called.

DomainEventPreFlushDispatchEvent and DomainEventPostFlushDispatchEvent also includes the ObjectManager (EntityManager) instance that manages the object that emitted the domain event.

Listening to the Dispatch Events

use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Attribute\AsEventListener;

class PreFlushDispatchEventListener
public function __invoke(DomainEventPreFlushDispatchEvent $event) {
// log the $event, publish the $event on an event bus, etc


This mechanism is created to allow you to build on top of the domain events. For example, you can record the events for audit trails, or publish the events on an event bus.


The package rekalogika/domain-event-outbox is completely decoupled from rekalogika/domain-event. The only thing that connects them is the event DomainEventPreFlushDispatchEvent.