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Transactional Outbox Pattern

The package rekalogika/domain-event-outbox implements the transactional outbox pattern. It publishes the events as part of a database transaction by saving them to the outbox table. This mechanism guarantees integrity and delivery.

How It Works

During the same time as the pre-flush phase, for each of the domain events, the framework wraps the event in a Symfony Messenger Envelope, and then in an OutboxMessage object. Then, it calls the entity manager to persist the OutboxMessage object.

When flush() or commit() is finally called, Doctrine will save the OutboxMessage objects in the same transaction as the rest of the changes to the domain entities. This guarantees that the events are published only if the transaction is successful.

When the message relay is executed. It reads the outbox table, publishes the events to the event bus, and removes the events from the outbox table.

Comparison with the Post-Flush Strategy

With the post-flush strategy, if an error happens during the dispatching, then the event will be lost.

In contrast, the transactional outbox pattern guarantees that the event will be delivered. If an error happens, both the events and the entire changes to the domain model will not be committed to the database. Because all the other changes are rolled back, the discarded events would have been invalid anyway, and should not be delivered.

Message Relay

Message relay's job is to read the outbox table, publish the events to the event bus, and remove the events from the outbox table. The message relay is executed using the following mechanisms:

  1. Using the kernel.terminate and console.terminate events, a listener checks if there are new messages sent to the outbox in the current session. If there are, it tells the message relay to run using Symfony Messenger bus.
  2. Using Symfony Scheduler, the message relay is executed every hour. This is mainly used for safety, in case the above mechanism failed to execute for whatever reason.
  3. Manually, using the console command bin/console rekalogika:domain-event:relay.

Message Preparer

When the domain events are being saved to the outbox table, the message preparer services are executed to prepare the events. By default, it adds the UserIdentifierStamp to the envelope. You can add your own message preparer by implementing the MessagePreparerInterface (tag name: rekalogika.domain_event.outbox.message_preparer)