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Cache Pre-warming

Mapper caches the results of expensive processing, so when it does the same mapping again, it can quickly refer to the cached result instead of doing the expensive processing once more.

Because this cache won't change during the lifetime of the application, it can make sense to pre-warm the cache before deployment.


This chapter is Symfony-specific.

Pre-warming is Optional

First off, Mapper can work without pre-warming the cache. It will just take a bit longer to process the first mapping. In most deployments, it should not be necessary to pre-warm the cache.

When Pre-warming is Useful

Very busy applications: Without pre-warming, a new deployment starts with an empty cache. With a busy application, it can result in a load spike, where many requests come in at the same time, and each request tries to perform the same expensive operation. By shipping the pre-warmed cache as part of the deployment image, you can avoid this problem.

Strict read-only deployments: Such systems might have no choice but to store the cache over the network, and pre-warming can help to reduce the overhead.

How to Pre-warm the Cache

Mapper cannot possibly know beforehand which mapping you are going to do in the application. So, you need to inform Mapper the list of the mappings. To do so, you can create a mapping collection file and store it in the config/rekalogika-mapper directory, any filename is fine.


use Rekalogika\Mapper\CacheWarmer\MappingCollection;

return function (MappingCollection $mappingCollection) : void {
source: SomeSourceClass::class,
target: SomeTargetClass::class

source: OtherSourceClass::class,
target: OtherTargetClass::class

Then, the mapping cache will be pre-warmed as part of Symfony's cache pre-warming process:

$ APP_ENV=prod APP_DEBUG=0 php bin/console cache:clear

Using PHPStan to Automatically Generate the Mapping Collection

If you are using PHPStan, you can add the configuration below to your PHPStan configuration file, then PHPStan will automatically generate the mapping collection in the specified file every time you run PHPStan.

mapperDumpFile: config/rekalogika-mapper/generated-mappings.php

# only required if you are not using phpstan/extension-installer:
- vendor/rekalogika/mapper/phpstan-extension.neon

The automatic PHPStan mapping generation is not foolproof. It cannot detect every possible use cases. You might still need to add some of the mappings manually.