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Mapping DateTime

This chapter describes how to do a mapping involving DateTime objects.

Supported Transformations

Supported target type-hints are DateTimeInterface, DateTimeImmutable, DateTime and Symfony DatePoint. Mapper supports transformation among these objects, and also to & from string, integer, and float.

To perform the transformation, Mapper will convert the source value to an intermediate Symfony DatePoint object. Then it will transform the intermediate object into the target type.

Changing the Time Zone

By default, Mapper will leave the time zone alone. If the data does not have the time zone (e.g. when the string representation does not have the time zone), it uses the system time zone.

To change the time zone, use the #[DateTimeOptions] attribute on the property:

use Rekalogika\Mapper\Attribute\DateTimeOptions;

class SomeObject
#[DateTimeOptions(timeZone: 'Asia/Jakarta')]
public \DateTimeInterface $someDate;

If it is on the source side, Mapper will convert the source value to the specified time zone. Or, if the source does not have time zone information, Mapper will assume the source is already in the specified time zone.

If it is on the target side, Mapper will convert the incoming date time object to the specified time zone.

Changing the Format

If the mapping involves string, float, or integer, you can specify the format using the #[DateTimeOptions] attribute:

use Rekalogika\Mapper\Attribute\DateTimeOptions;

class SomeObject
#[DateTimeOptions(format: 'Y-m-d H:i:s', timeZone: 'Asia/Pontianak')]
public string $someDate;

It will work as anyone would expect. At the source side, Mapper will assume the string is in the specified format. At the target side, Mapper will transform to the target using the specified format.


Without DateTimeOptions, a source date time will be passed as is to the DatePoint constructor, and will be automatically detected. At the target side, the string will be formatted as DateTimeInterface::ATOM by default.

Date time in integer or float is assumed to be in Unix time.

Some Examples

use Rekalogika\Mapper\Attribute\DateTimeOptions;

class SomeObject
#[DateTimeOptions(format: 'Ymd', timeZone: 'Asia/Jayapura')]
public int $YYYYMMDDinInteger;

#[DateTimeOptions(format: 'd-m-y')]
public string $DDMMYYinString;