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Using Pageable for Batch Processing

Any PageableInterface objects can be used to iterate its underlying data page by page. Rather than loading the entire data set into memory, you can process the data in multiple batches (or pages, or chunks, or slices).


When using the library only for batch processing, you only need to install the adapters you need. Framework integration is not required.

Batch Processing

To iterate over a large amount of data, you can use the following pattern:

use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use Rekalogika\Rekapager\PageableInterface;

/** @var PageableInterface $pageable */
/** @var EntityManagerInterface $entityManager */

foreach ($pageable->withItemsPerPage(1000)->getPages() as $page) {
foreach ($page as $item) {
// Do something with the item

// Do something after each page here
// With Doctrine, you'd usually want to flush() and clear() here
$entityManager->flush(); // if required

Always Use Keyset Pagination

While it is possible to use traditional offset pagination, you should always use keyset pagination for batch processing:

  • With offset pagination you risk missing items, or processing the same items multiple times, if the underlying data changes while you are processing it.

  • Offset pagination will become slower and slower as you go further away from the first page.

Comparison to Query::toIterable()

Doctrine's documentation recommends using Query::toIterable() to iterate over large result sets. This, however, has several drawbacks:

  • Contrary to what one might expect, toIterable() actually runs the query only once, then loads the entire result into memory, which can be problematic for large result sets. It only saves us memory and time in the hydration phase, in the sense that it does not hydrate the result into entities all at once.

  • Even when you don't care about memory usage, queries with large results will be much slower to execute. The application must wait for the query to finish, and depending on the application, it may affect interactivity and user experience.

  • toIterable() may not trigger the postLoad event handlers. Therefore, your entities might not behave the same way as when you load them normally.

Using PageableInterface for batch processing should solve these issues.

Running the Batch Process

The most common way to run a batch process is to create a console command. Read the Simple Batch Command documentation for more information.