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Maintaining a summary table involves ensuring that the data in the summary table is up-to-date with the source table.

Refreshing Manually from the Command Line

You can refresh the summary table manually from the command line. Usually you would do this once after the summary table is created.

php bin/console rekalogika:analytics:refresh 'App\Entity\SomeSummary' \
[start key [end key]]

Optional arguments:

  • start key is the start key for the range of entities to refresh. This is the partitioning key as described in the partitioning documentation.
  • end key is the end key that marks the end of the range of entities to refresh.

Optional options:

  • --resume=<resume ID>. If you interrupt the refresh process using Ctrl-C, it will tell you the resume ID. You can use this option to resume the refresh process from where it left off. Note that you need to make sure the rest of the arguments and options are the same as when you started the refresh process, otherwise the resume won't work.
  • --batch-size=<batch size>. The number of partitions to refresh in a single roll up query. The default is 1. Increasing this may speed up or slow down the refresh process.