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To work with the summary entities, the framework provides SummaryManager and SummaryManagerRegistry.


SummaryManager is a service that lets you interact with a specific summary entity. To get an instance of SummaryManager, you can use the SummaryManagerRegistry service.

use Rekalogika\Analytics\SummaryManagerRegistry;

/** @var SummaryManagerRegistry $summaryManagerRegistry */

$summaryManager = $summaryManagerRegistry->getManager(YourSummary::class);

Querying the Summary

You can query the summary entity using the createQuery method. The method returns an instance of Query that you can use to build your query.

use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Criteria;
use Rekalogika\Analytics\SummaryManagerRegistry;

/** @var SummaryManagerRegistry $summaryManagerRegistry */

$result = $summaryManagerRegistry
->groupBy('time.year', 'customerCountry') // property name of the dimension
->select('price', 'count') // property names of the measures
->where(Criteria::expr()->eq('time.year', 2023))

The result is an instance of Result. It presents the data in the form of a tree, with measures already unpivoted for convenience. The order of the groupBy arguments determines the order of the dimensions in the tree. With the example above, the time.year property is the first level of the tree, and the customerCountry property is the second level.

Query Methods

The methods of the Query object are modeled after the Doctrine QueryBuilder methods. The methods are chainable, so you can write the query in a fluent style.

groupBy and addGroupBy

The groupBy method is used to specify the dimensions of the query. The dimension name is the same as the property name of your summary class. The order in groupBy is important, and will be used to determine the order of the dimensions in the result tree.

select and addSelect

The select method is used to specify the measures of the query. Again, the measure name is the name of the property in the summary class.

where and andWhere

The where method is used to filter the data. The method accepts a Doctrine Criteria Expression object.

The Result Object

The Result object has a tree structure. Each node in the tree represents a dimension or one of the measures. The previous example will produce a result like this:

Result tree example Result tree example

Traversing the Result Tree

The root node is always an instance of Result. The other nodes are instances of ResultNode. To locate a specific node you can use the traverse() method:

$node = $result->traverse('2023', 'DE');

traverse() accepts the instance values, or for convenince, you can use the string representation of the values. For example, if the Country object implements Stringable, the following traverse() calls give the same result:

$germany = $countryRepository->find('DE');
$node = $result->traverse('2023', $germany);
$node = $result->traverse('2023', 'DE');

Each node has other methods that you can use to get the data:

// Same as the traverse() method of the root node above.
$descendant = $node->traverse('count');

// Get the item of the node, e.g. an instance of `Country` representing Germany
$item = $node->getItem();

// Get the value of the node, e.g. the count of orders from Germany in 2023
$value = $node->getValue();

// Get the raw value of the node. The value above is taken from the getter method,
// while the raw value is taken from the instance property value. This is useful for
// things like monetary values.
$rawValue = $node->getRawValue();

Example of getting a single value:

use Rekalogika\Analytics\SummaryManagerRegistry;

/** @var SummaryManagerRegistry $summaryManagerRegistry */

$summaryManager = $summaryManagerRegistry
->groupBy('time.year', 'customerCountry')
->traverse('2023', 'DE', 'count')
?? 0;

Iterating Over the Result Tree

To iterate over a node, you can simply use the foreach loop:

// $node is an instance of Result or ResultNode
// $item will be the node item, e.g. an instance of Country, it will be the
// same as $childNode->getItem()
foreach ($node as $item => $childNode) {
// Do something with $childNode

Grouping by Measure Type

By default, the measures are placed at the leaf of the tree. You can group the measures earlier by using the special @values keyword:

use Rekalogika\Analytics\SummaryManagerRegistry;

/** @var SummaryManagerRegistry $summaryManagerRegistry */

$result = $summaryManagerRegistry
->groupBy('time.year', '@values', 'customerCountry') // property name of the dimension
->select('price', 'count') // property names of the measures

In this case, the result will look like this:

Early measure grouping Early measure grouping