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Working with Summaries

To work with the summary entities, the framework provides SummaryManager and SummaryManagerRegistry.


SummaryManager is a service that lets you interact with a specific summary entity. To get an instance of SummaryManager, you can use the SummaryManagerRegistry service.

use Rekalogika\Analytics\SummaryManagerRegistry;

/** @var SummaryManagerRegistry $summaryManagerRegistry */

$summaryManager = $summaryManagerRegistry->getManager(YourSummary::class);

Querying the Summary

You can query the summary entity using the createQuery method. The method returns an instance of Query that you can use to build your query.

use Rekalogika\Analytics\SummaryManagerRegistry;

/** @var SummaryManagerRegistry $summaryManagerRegistry */

$result = $summaryManagerRegistry
->select('price', 'count') // property names of the measures
->groupBy('time.month', 'customerCountry') // property name of the dimension

The result is an instance of SummaryResult. It presents the data in the form of a tree, with measures already unpivoted for convenience. The order of the groupBy arguments determines the order of the dimensions in the tree. With the example above, the time.month property is the first level of the tree, and the customerCountry property is the second level.