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Class Arguments

Our classes accept arguments in their constructors. Different classes may or may not accept the different arguments listed below. Most of these arguments accept null, which means the default value.

The Arguments


The orderBy argument is used to sort the collection. It accepts one of the following values:

  • string means the column name to sort by.
  • array<string,Order>. The key means the column names to sort, the value is the order to sort by.
  • null means use the default order by.


The indexBy argument is used to determine the field of the object used as the key of the collection. It accepts string, meaning the column name to index by. If null, the default is used. If the default is null, then the collection will be a list.


The number of items in a page when using pagination. It accepts an integer. It can be overridden post-instantiation using withItemsPerPage().


The count strategy to use. Accepts a CountStrategy instance. Read more about count strategies in the Counting section.


The pagination type to use. Either Pagination::Keyset or Pagination::Offset. Defaults to Pagination::Keyset.

You should almost always use Pagination::Keyset. However, there are cases where Pagination::Offset might be required, for example, when paginating a search result ordered by search ranking.

softLimit and hardLimit

The softLimit and hardLimit arguments are used to limit the number of results returned. The softLimit is the maximum number of results before the collection will give you a deprecation warning. The hardLimit is the maximum number of results before the collection will throw an exception. Read more about limits in the Potential Out-of-Memory Handling section.


Accepts a KeyTransformer object used to transform the key before passing it to the underlying Collection. Read more about it in the Key Type Widening section.

Changing the Default Argument Values

The default argument values can be changed by setting the static properties of Configuration.

To change the default value, for example, you can do it in one of these following places:

  • In your application's kernel.
  • Using composer.json's files autoloading mechanism.
  • In index.php.