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Slow Counting


If the number of records is large, the database might struggle in counting the records. Consequently, calling count($collection) or $collection->count() or collection|length on a large, extra-lazy Doctrine Collection can be very slow because it becomes a COUNT() query behind the scenes.

Default Behavior

Our classes offer pluggable counting strategy.

The default counting strategy for full classes is SafeDelegatedCountStrategy. It delegates the count to the underlying collection, as with regular collections, with these caveats:

  • If the result count exceeds 5000, it will give a deprecation warning.
  • If the result count exceeds 50000, it will throw an exception.
  • If the count duration exceeds 2 seconds, it will give a deprecation warning.

The threshold can be changed in Configuration globally, or by providing the arguments in the constructor of the strategy.

Our minimal classes use DisabledCountStrategy. See the corresponding explanation below.

What to Do After the Threshold is Reached

Change the Counting Strategy

All of our classes provide pluggable strategy for handling the count() operation. You can change how the count is calculated by switching the strategy, or use your own counting strategy. Read the next section for more information.

Switch to the Corresponding Minimal Class

As an alternative to switching the counting strategy, you also have the option to switch to the minimal version of the class if you don't really need the count operation.

Our minimal classes do not implement Countable. So, you can run static analysis to easily find out the parts of your code that still call the count() on your collection, and clean them up.

Changing the Counting Strategy

To change the counting strategy, provide the strategy in the $count argument when creating the collection. Example:

use Rekalogika\Contracts\Collections\Recollection;
use Rekalogika\Domain\Collections\Common\Count\ZeroCountStrategy;
use Rekalogika\Domain\Collections\RecollectionDecorator;

class Country
* @var Collection<int,Citizen>
private Collection $citizen;

private int $citizenCount = 0;

* @return Recollection<int,Citizen>
public function getCitizens(): Recollection
return RecollectionDecorator::create(
collection: $this->citizen,
indexBy: 'id',
count: new ZeroCountStrategy()

Available Counting Strategies

  • SafeDelegatedCountStrategy: The default, delegates the count to the underlying collection with exceptions described above.
  • DelegatedCountStrategy: Delegates the count to the underlying collection without any checks. This strategy provides the same behavior as the original Collection.
  • DisabledCountStrategy: Disables the count operation. Throws an exception if the count is called.
  • PrecountingStrategy: Saves and restores the count to another property. See the section below for more information.
  • ZeroCountStrategy: Always returns 0 as the count.

You can create your own counting strategy by implementing the interface CountStrategy.

Precounting Strategy

Precounting strategy stores the precounted value in a separate property. If the count() is called, it will return the precounted value. If the refreshCount() is called, it will recalculate the count from the underlying collection and store it in the property.

Usage example:

use Rekalogika\Contracts\Collections\Recollection;
use Rekalogika\Domain\Collections\Common\Count\PrecountingStrategy;
use Rekalogika\Domain\Collections\RecollectionDecorator;

class Country
* @var Collection<int,Citizen>
private Collection $citizen;

private int $citizenCount = 0;

* @return Recollection<int,Citizen>
public function getCitizens(): Recollection
return RecollectionDecorator::create(
collection: $this->citizen,
indexBy: 'id',
count: new PrecountingStrategy($this->citizenCount)

The caller can count the records like the following, and it will use the number stored in $citizenCount as the result:

/** @var Country $country */

$count = $country->getCitizens()->count();
// or
$count =count($country->getCitizens());

When it is necessary to refresh the pre-counted value, you can do this:

use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;

/** @var EntityManagerInterface $entityManager */


Pagination is Possible Without the Total Count

All of our classes implement PageableInterface from our rekalogika/rekapager-contracts package. This allows you to paginate the collection for user interface or API output.

Unlike traditional pagination, our PageableInterface does not need the count to perform pagination, and therefore remains performant even with huge collections. You can safely use DisabledCountStrategy on your collection and pagination will still work without any problem.

However, if your collection uses a counting strategy that does provide the count, the pagination will happily use it to improve the user experience.

Counting in Minimal Classes

Our minimal classes do not implement Countable. So, you cannot do a count() or ->count() on their instances. However, they still retain the counting logic internally. You can use the method getTotalItems() to get the count result. Unlike Countable::count(), getTotalItems() may return null if the count is not known.