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Mapping to Abstract Classes and Interfaces

To map to an abstract class or an interface, you can add the attribute InheritanceMap to specify the concrete class the mapper will map to. For example:

use Rekalogika\Mapper\Attribute\InheritanceMap;
use Rekalogika\Mapper\Tests\Fixtures\Inheritance\ConcreteClassA;
use Rekalogika\Mapper\Tests\Fixtures\Inheritance\ConcreteClassB;

ConcreteClassA::class => ConcreteClassADto::class,
ConcreteClassB::class => ConcreteClassBDto::class,
ConcreteClassB::class => ConcreteClassCDto::class,
abstract class AbstractClassDto

In the above example, the mapper will map the source to ConcreteClassADto if the source is an instance of ConcreteClassA, and so on.


This only applies if there is no a preexisting object on the target side. If there is already an object on the target side, Mapper will map to that object instead.


The #[InheritanceMap] is bidirectional. If Mapper encounters the attribute on the source side, it will flip the mapping, so the same attribute above will also work in reverse.