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Doctrine Collections Selectable

Takes a Doctrine Selectable instance, including Doctrine repository and practically all implementations of Doctrine collections. The adapter supports both keyset and offset pagination.

The class needs to work with a Criteria object, but if the caller omits it, the adapter will create an empty Criteria object. If the Criteria does not have a sort order, the adapter will sort the collection using the field id. If the object does not have an id field, Doctrine will throw an exception.


composer require rekalogika/rekapager-doctrine-collections-adapter


use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Criteria;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
use Rekalogika\Rekapager\Doctrine\Collections\SelectableAdapter;
use Rekalogika\Rekapager\Keyset\KeysetPageable;
use Rekalogika\Rekapager\Offset\OffsetPageable;

/** @var EntityRepository $postRepository */

$selectable = $postRepository; // a Doctrine repository is also a Selectable
// or
$selectable = $user->getComments(); // a Doctrine Collection in an entity

$criteria = Criteria::create()
->where(Criteria::expr()->eq('group', $group))
'date' => Order::Descending,
'title' => Order::Ascending,
'id' => Order::Ascending

$adapter = new SelectableAdapter(
collection: $selectable,
criteria: $criteria,
indexBy: 'id' // optional

$pageable = new KeysetPageable($adapter);
// or
$pageable = new OffsetPageable($adapter);

indexBy Parameter

There is a Doctrine bug that may prevents a matching() call from preserving the keys of the collection. To workaround this issue, add the indexBy parameter to the adapter like the example above.