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Doctrine ORM QueryBuilder

QueryBuilderAdapter takes a Doctrine ORM QueryBuilder instance. It supports keyset and offset pagination.


composer require rekalogika/rekapager-doctrine-orm-adapter

If you need SQL row values support, you need to register the necessary DQL function:

If you are using Symfony, add the following to your configuration:

REKAPAGER_ROW_VALUES: Rekalogika\Rekapager\Doctrine\ORM\RowValuesFunction


use Doctrine\DBAL\LockMode;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Types;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
use Rekalogika\Rekapager\Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilderAdapter;
use Rekalogika\Rekapager\Keyset\KeysetPageable;
use Rekalogika\Rekapager\Offset\OffsetPageable;

/** @var EntityRepository $postRepository */

$queryBuilder = $postRepository
->where(' = :group')
->setParameter('group', $group)
->addOrderBy('', 'DESC') // a date field that accepts DateTime
->addOrderBy('p.title', 'ASC')
->addOrderBy('', 'ASC');

$adapter = new QueryBuilderAdapter(
queryBuilder: $queryBuilder,
lockMode: LockMode::PESSIMISTIC_WRITE, // optional
typeMapping: [
'' => Types::DATE_MUTABLE // the type of the date field
indexBy: 'id' // optional

$pageable = new KeysetPageable($adapter);
// or
$pageable = new OffsetPageable($adapter);

If you don't provide a type mapping, the adapter will try to look it up from Doctrine's class metadata. If it fails, it will use heuristics to detect the type for some common objects.


The QueryBuilderAdapter does not support QueryBuilder's indexBy (the third parameter of from(), or the second parameter of a repository's createQueryBuilder()). If you need the feature, use the indexBy parameter of QueryBuilderAdapter as the above example.


With keyset pagination, there are additional prerequisites:

  • The underlying QueryBuilder object must have a sort order. Be sure to call orderBy() or addOrderBy() on the query builder before passing it to the adapter.
  • If a field in a sort order uses a non-scalar type, you should provide a typeMapping option. The adapter will use it in the setParameter() method of the QueryBuilder. The example above shows how to provide a type mapping for a date field.


One-to-many and many-to-many joins are not supported. Many-to-one joins are OK.

// supported because a post has only one author
->from(Post::class, 'p')
->leftJoin('', 'a')

// not supported because a post has many comments
->from(Post::class, 'p')
->leftJoin('p.comments', 'c')

If you have an entity with a one-to-many relationship, you can usually omit the join and Doctrine will fetch the related entities lazily.


If you use the lockMode option, the adapter will pass the option to the resulting Query object. In a batch processing, this is how to wrap the processing of each page in a transaction:

use Doctrine\DBAL\LockMode;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder;
use Rekalogika\Rekapager\Keyset\KeysetPageable;
use Rekalogika\Rekapager\Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilderAdapter;

/** @var EntityManagerInterface $entityManager */
/** @var QueryBuilder $queryBuilder */

$adapter = new QueryBuilderAdapter(
queryBuilder: $queryBuilder,
lockMode: LockMode::PESSIMISTIC_WRITE,

/** @var PageableInterface<int,Post> */
$pageable = new KeysetPageable(
adapter: $adapter,
itemsPerPage: 10,

// using explicit begin, commit and rollback

foreach ($pageable->getPages() as $page) {

try {
foreach ($page as $post) {
// do something with the post
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw $e;


// using wrap

foreach ($pageable->getPages() as $page) {
$entityManager->wrapInTransaction(function () use ($page) {
foreach ($page as $post) {
// do something with the post

The above can work because PageInterface is lazy. The content of the page is fetched when you iterate over it, not when you iterate over getPages().

Overriding the Boundary Fields

By default, the adapter uses the fields in the ORDER BY clause as the boundary fields, and it should work in most cases. This is an example scenario that necessitates overriding the boundary fields.

Suppose you have this table:

category VARCHAR(255),
title VARCHAR(255)

CREATE INDEX post_category_id ON post (category, id);

To efficiently paginate over the posts of a specific category, you might want to use QueryBuilderAdapter like this:

use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
use Rekalogika\Rekapager\Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilderAdapter;
use Rekalogika\Rekapager\Keyset\KeysetPageable;

/** @var EntityRepository $postRepository */

$queryBuilder = $postRepository->createQueryBuilder('p');

if ($category === null) {
$queryBuilder->where('p.category IS NULL');
} else {
$queryBuilder->where('p.category = :category')
->setParameter('category', $category);

// forces the database to use the same index for filtering and ordering:
->orderBy('p.category', 'ASC')
->addOrderBy('', 'ASC');

$adapter = new QueryBuilderAdapter(
queryBuilder: $queryBuilder,
boundaryFields: ['id'],

$pageable = new KeysetPageable($adapter);

Without the boundaryFields argument, the adapter would use category and id as the boundary fields. And it would work correctly, unless you have posts with a NULL category, like in the above example.