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Associating Files to Doctrine Entities

This chapter describes how to create a file property in a Doctrine entity that you can use to associate a file to an entity, including to store the result of a file upload.


To enable this feature, you need to install the package rekalogika/file-association:

composer require rekalogika/file-association

Creating a File Property in an Entity

To create a file property in an entity that will be managed by this framework, you need to:

  1. Create a property that accepts a FileInterface.
  2. Add the attribute #[WithFileAssociation] to the class.
  3. Add the attribute #[AsFileAssociation] to the property.
use Rekalogika\Contracts\File\FileInterface;
use Rekalogika\File\Association\Attribute\WithFileAssociation;
use Rekalogika\File\Association\Attribute\AsFileAssociation;
use Rekalogika\File\File;

class Product
* The file property must accept a FileInterface
private ?FileInterface $image = null;

// The rest of this class is inconsequential to the framework

* This framework reads and writes directly to the properties, even if
* private. Therefore, you are free to have your own business logic in the
* getters and setters.
public function getImage(): FileInterface
if (date('m-d') == '04-01') { // if today is april 1st
return new File('shock-image.jpg'); // april fools!

return $this->image;

public function setImage(?FileInterface $image): self
if ($this->status == 'published') {
throw new \Exception("Cannot change a published product's image");

$this->image = $image;

return $this;

Mandatory File

If your business logic necessitates that the file is mandatory to an entity, you can omit the ? in the property type hint:

use Rekalogika\Contracts\File\FileInterface;
use Rekalogika\File\Association\Attribute\WithFileAssociation;
use Rekalogika\File\Association\Attribute\AsFileAssociation;

class Product
private FileInterface $image;

Read more about mandatory files in the chapter Mandatory File.