Streaming a ZIP File of Files
This chapter explains how to stream-download a ZIP file containing several files to the client's web browser.
You need to install the package rekalogika/file-zip
to use this feature:
composer require rekalogika/file-zip
A DirectoryInterface
represents a tree of files. It contains entries of
, FilePointerInterface
, or other DirectoryInterface
. The
service turns a DirectoryInterface
into a ZIP file.
The ZIP file is created on the fly and streamed to the client's web browser, and does not involve a temporary file. Therefore, the operation is relatively inexpensive.
We are using the ZipStream-PHP package under the hood.
Basic Usage
The FileZip::streamZip()
method takes a DirectoryInterface
and streams
a ZIP file to the client's web browser.
use Rekalogika\File\Zip\FileZip;
use Rekalogika\Contracts\File\DirectoryInterface;
use Rekalogika\File\Directory;
use Rekalogika\Contracts\File\FileInterface;
/** @var FileZip $fileZip */
/** @var FileInterface $file1 */
/** @var FileInterface $file2 */
/** @var FileInterface $file3 */
$directory = new Directory('my_zip_file', [$file1, $file2, $file3]);
In Controllers
To get an HTTP Foundation Response
object, use
use Rekalogika\File\Zip\FileZip;
use Rekalogika\File\Directory;
use Rekalogika\Contracts\File\FileInterface;
class SomeController {
public function download(FileZip $fileZip): Response
/** @var FileInterface $file1 */
/** @var FileInterface $file2 */
/** @var FileInterface $file3 */
$directory = new Directory('my_zip_file', [$file1, $file2, $file3]);
return $fileZip->createZipResponse($directory);
Dealing With Doctrine Collections Containing Files
To convert a Doctrine collection of files into a DirectoryInterface
, you can
use FileCollection
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection;
use Rekalogika\Domain\File\Association\Entity\FileCollection;
use Rekalogika\Contracts\File\DirectoryInterface;
use Rekalogika\Contracts\File\FileInterface;
use Rekalogika\File\Directory;
use Rekalogika\File\Zip\FileZip;
class SomeController {
public function download(Product $product, FileZip $fileZip): Response
/** @var Collection<int,Images> */
$images = $product->getImages();
/** @var FileCollection */
$directoryOfImages = new FileCollection($images, 'product-image');
return $fileZip->createZipResponse($directoryOfImages);
Returning a DirectoryInterface
in the Getter Itself
implements both DirectoryInterface
and Collection
. So, it
is safe to return a FileCollection
in the getter because it won't change the
existing behavior of your getter.
use Rekalogika\Domain\File\Association\Entity\FileCollection;
class Product
// ...
* @return FileCollection<int,Image>
public function getImages(): FileCollection
return new FileCollection(
sprintf('product %s images', $this->getName())
// ...
Then, you can do something like this in the controller:
use Rekalogika\File\Zip\FileZip;
class SomeController {
public function download(Product $product, FileZip $fileZip): Response
return $fileZip->createZipResponse($product->getImages());
Creating a Link to the ZIP File
The framework registers a temporary URL handler. So, you can simply use
to generate a temporary URL
to the ZIP file.
use Rekalogika\TemporaryUrl\TemporaryUrlGeneratorInterface;
/** @var TemporaryUrlGeneratorInterface $temporaryUrlGenerator */
/** @var FileCollection */
$images = $product->getImages();
$url = $temporaryUrlGenerator->generateUrl($images);
In Twig Templates
In Twig templates, you can easily generate URLs to a ZIP file by using the
filter with a DirectoryInterface
as the input.
<a href="{{ product.images|temporary_url }}" {{ temporary_url_autoexpire() }}>
Download Product Images