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In this framework, 'filtering' is the opportunistic creation & caching of derived files from a source file. If a filter is applied to a FileInterface, one of these things happens:

  1. If the derived file does not exist, process the source and create the derived file, then save it.
  2. If the derived file exists and newer than the source file, return the existing derived file.
  3. If the derived file exists and older than the source file, then it is stale, the filter will create a derivation out of the source file, then overwrite the old derived file.

Currently, there is only one filter available, ImageResizer.



You need to install the package rekalogika/file-image to use this feature:

composer require rekalogika/file-image

PHP Usage

In PHP files, you need to inject the ImageResizer class to your service or controller:

use Rekalogika\File\Image\ImageResizer;
use Rekalogika\Contracts\File\FileInterface;

/** @var ImageResizer $imageResizer */
/** @var FileInterface $image */

$resizedImage = $imageResizer
->resize(100, ImageResizer::ASPECRATIO_SQUARE)

The first time it is called, the filter will create a 100-pixel-square-cropped image from the original image. The second time it is called, the filter will return the already created derived image.

If the original image is updated, the filter will create a new derived image and overwrite the old one.

Twig Usage

In Twig templates, you can use the image_resize filter. For example:

<img src="{{ image_file|image_resize(100, 'square')|temporary_url }}" />

The example above will give us a temporary URL to a square-cropped image with a maximum width or height of 100 pixels from the original image image_file.