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Replicating Metadata in Entities

This chapter describes how to replicate file metadata in your entities.


This framework gives you the convenience of requiring only a single property to associate a file with an entity. However, there are cases where it can be useful to have the file's metadata stored in the entity. For example:

  • To optimize performance together with our lazy-loading feature, especially when you are dealing with a lot of entities and/or files.
  • You need to use the database to index, search, or sort the files based on their metadata.

Using the method described in this chapter, you will be able to accomplish that by replicating the files' metadata in your entities and it does not require you to change the way you work with files.



You need to install the package rekalogika/file-association-entity to use this feature:

composer require rekalogika/file-association-entity

In short, you need to:

  1. Add a property with EmbeddedMetadata type. This is a Doctrine embeddable that implements RawMetadataInterface we will be using to store the file's metadata.
  2. Modify the getter of the file property so that it returns a decorated version of the FileInterface that will use our EmbeddedMetadata in #1.
  3. Modify the setter of the file property so it will copy the metadata of a new file to our EmbeddedMetadata in #1.

If your original entity looks like this:

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity;
use Rekalogika\Contracts\File\FileInterface;
use Rekalogika\File\Association\Attribute\WithFileAssociation;
use Rekalogika\File\Association\Attribute\AsFileAssociation;

class Product
private ?FileInterface $image = null;

public function getImage(): ?FileInterface
return $this->image;

public function setImage(?FileInterface $image): self
$this->image = $image;

return $this;

You need to modify it to look like this:

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Embedded;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity;
use Rekalogika\Contracts\File\FileInterface;
use Rekalogika\Domain\File\Association\Entity\EmbeddedMetadata;
use Rekalogika\Domain\File\Association\Entity\FileDecorator;
use Rekalogika\File\Association\Attribute\WithFileAssociation;
use Rekalogika\File\Association\Attribute\AsFileAssociation;

class Product
private ?FileInterface $image = null;

private EmbeddedMetadata $imageMetadata;

public function __construct()
$this->imageMetadata = new EmbeddedMetadata();

public function getImage(): ?FileInterface
return FileDecorator::getFile($this->image, $this->imageMetadata);

public function setImage(?FileInterface $image): self
FileDecorator::setFile($image, $this->image, $this->imageMetadata);

return $this;

After the change, calling the setter will still give you a FileInterface that you can use like before. But behind the scenes, any reads to the metadata will be done from the data stored in the entity. And any writes to the metadata are saved to both the file and the entity.


Because the metadata is now saved in the entity, after any changes to the metadata, you need to call flush() on the entity manager to save the metadata to the database.

Using The Metadata Fields for Querying and Indexing

EmbeddedMetadata is a Doctrine embeddable that contains the following fields:

  • name: The file name.
  • size: The file size in bytes.
  • type: The file MIME type.
  • modificationTime: The file modification time.
  • width: The width, if the file is an image.
  • height: The height, if the file is an image.
  • other: Other metadata that is not covered by the above fields.

You can use these fields (other than the other) to query and index the files in your database.

Mandatory File Properties

If your file property does not accept a null value, you need to modify the setter like the following.

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity;
use Rekalogika\Contracts\File\FileInterface;
use Rekalogika\Domain\File\Association\Entity\FileDecorator;
use Rekalogika\Domain\File\Null\NullFile;
use Rekalogika\File\Association\Attribute\WithFileAssociation;
use Rekalogika\File\Association\Attribute\AsFileAssociation;

class Product
// $image is not nullable
private FileInterface $image;

// ...

public function setImage(FileInterface $image): self
// make sure the image is not unset, otherwise the next line won't work
$this->image = new NullFile();

// setFileMandatory is identical to setFile, except it does not accept
// null value and works with properties that does not accept null
FileDecorator::setFileMandatory($file, $this->file, $this->fileMetadata);

return $this;