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Object ID Resolver

An object ID resolver takes an object and returns its ID. The framework uses an object ID resolver as one of the parameters used to determine where to store the file.

There are two built-in ID resolvers in the framework:

  • DoctrineObjectIdResolver: Uses Doctrine's ClassMetadata and UnitOfWork to determine the ID of the entity.
  • DefaultObjectIdResolver: Calls the method getId() on the object.

You can have multiple implementations of ObjectIdResolverInterface in your application. The framework will use the first one that returns a value.


If you have a custom implementation of ObjectIdResolverInterface, the default resolvers are still active but have a lower priority than your custom implementation.

Creating An Object ID Resolver

use Rekalogika\Contracts\File\Association\ObjectIdResolverInterface;

class MyObjectIdResolver implements ObjectIdResolverInterface
public function getObjectId(object $object): string
// your implementation here

If you are using autoconfiguration, then it is all set. If not, you need to register your class in the service container:

- { name: 'rekalogika.file.association.object_id_resolver' }