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API Platform Integration

API Platform integration is provided by the package rekalogika/rekapager-api-platform.


Preinstallation checklists:

  • Make sure Composer is installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation. Run composer about to verify.
  • Make sure your project has Symfony Flex installed and enabled (it is enabled by default). Run composer why symfony/flex to verify.

Open a command console, enter your project directory, and execute:

composer require rekalogika/rekapager-api-platform

API Changes

This package aims to implement keyset pagination by changing the type of the existing 'page' query parameter from integer to string.

"@context": "/api/contexts/Post",
"@id": "/api/posts",
"@type": "hydra:Collection",
"hydra:member": [
"hydra:view": {
"@type": "hydra:PartialCollectionView",
"@id": "/api/posts",
- "hydra:last": "/api/posts?page=21",
- "hydra:next": "/api/posts?page=2"
+ "hydra:last": "/api/posts?page=q1YqU7KKjtVRKlCy0jXUUcpRssorzcnRUcpXsjLQUSpRslIqVaoFAA",
+ "hydra:next": "/api/posts?page=q1YqU7KqVsrXy0xRsjI2qNVRKlCyMtJRylGyyivNydFRyleyMtBRKlGyAgrVAgA"

The change should be transparent to the consumers of the API, and does not require any changes, as long as they traverse the set by using the URIs as they are returned by the API.

However, if the consumer currently increments the page number manually on their side, they need to change how they go to the next page by using the URI provided by the API (hydra:next) instead. Clients that still use the integer page number (after switching to keyset pagination) will get a 400 Bad Request response.

The change is opt-in and can be enabled per operation or globally. You will be able to keep the standard API Platform pagination system, then make sure all the consumers conform to the required behavior, and enable it only after everyone is ready.


The parameter page=1 is special and will not cause a 400 error response. It will be treated as a request for the first page.

Not using JSON-LD?

If your API does not use JSON-LD, your consumer can get the related URIs using the Link header. Example:

Link: </api/posts?page=q1YqU7KqVsrXy0xRsjI2qNVRKlCyMtJRylGyyivNydFRyleyMtBRKlGyAgrVAgA>; rel="next",
</api/posts?page=q1YqU7KKjtVRKlCy0jXUUcpRssorzcnRUcpXsjLQUSpRslIqVaoFAA>; rel="last",
<>; rel=""

Provided Components

  • A decorator for OpenApiFactoryInterface that changes the type of every 'page' query parameter from integer to string. It should still be compatible with API Platform's standard pagination system.
  • PagerNormalizer: a normalizer for PagerInterface.
  • RekapagerExtension: an extension for API Platform's Doctrine ORM integration to use Rekapager.
  • PagerFactory: creates a PagerInterface object from a PageableInterface, the current operation, and the context. Useful in a state provider or processor.
  • RekapagerLinkProcessor: add the links to the Link HTTP header.

Usage in a State Provider or Processor

In a state provider, you can use PagerFactoryInterface to transform any PageableInterface into a PagerInterface. Then, you can simply return the pager instance and our PagerNormalizer will output it correctly.

use ApiPlatform\Metadata\Operation;
use ApiPlatform\State\ProviderInterface;
use Rekalogika\Rekapager\ApiPlatform\PagerFactoryInterface;
use Rekalogika\Rekapager\Doctrine\Collections\SelectableAdapter;
use Rekalogika\Rekapager\Keyset\KeysetPageable;

* @implements ProviderInterface<Post>
class PostProvider implements ProviderInterface
public function __construct(
private PagerFactoryInterface $pagerFactory,
) {

public function provide(
Operation $operation,
array $uriVariables = [],
array $context = []
): object|array|null {
$pageable = ...; // Get or create a PageableInterface object here

$pager = $this->pagerFactory->createPager($pageable, $operation, $context);

return $pager;

PagerFactory should respect these standard API Platform settings in the operation, as well as their corresponding global settings.

  • paginationItemsPerPage: the number of items per page.
  • paginationClientEnabled: whether to enable the pagination settings from the client.
  • paginationClientItemsPerPage: the number of items per page that the client requested.
  • paginationMaximumItemsPerPage

Doctrine ORM Support

This package supports the pagination for API Platform's Doctrine ORM integration as an alternative to the default pagination. Its usage is opt-in. You can enable it per operation using the rekapager_orm_enabled extra property:

extraProperties: [
'rekapager_orm_enabled' => true
class Post
// ...

To enable it globally, you can set it in the configuration:

rekapager_orm_enabled: true