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Doctrine Collections Integration

High-level integration with Doctrine Collections is provided by our rekalogika/collections-* packages. Read more about them in the rekalogika/collections documentation. This document focuses on how this high-level integration can improve your workflow.

Transforms a Collection into a Collection + Pageable

Use the RecollectionDecorator class to add PageableInterface functionality to a Doctrine Collection.

use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection;
use Rekalogika\Contracts\Collections\Recollection;
use Rekalogika\Domain\Collections\RecollectionDecorator;

/** @var Collection $someCollection */

$improvedCollection = RecollectionDecorator::create($someCollection);

In the example above, $improvedCollection is now a Recollection object which is still a Collection but also a PageableInterface at the same time.

A Better ->matching()

Rather than doing this:

use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Criteria;

/** @var Collection $collection */

$criteria = Criteria::create()->where(...);

$filteredCollection = $collection->matching($criteria);

You can do this:

use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Criteria;
use Rekalogika\Domain\Collections\CriteriaRecollection;

/** @var Collection $collection */

$criteria = Criteria::create()->where(...);

$filteredCollection = CriteriaRecollection::create($collection, $criteria);

The upside of the latter is that the result is lazy-loaded and implements both ReadableCollection and PageableInterface.

Transforms a QueryBuilder into a Collection + Pageable

use Rekalogika\Collections\ORM\QueryRecollection;

$queryBuilder = ... // create a QueryBuilder instance

$collection = new QueryRecollection(
queryBuilder: $queryBuilder,
indexBy: 'id'

In the example above, $collection is now a Recollection object which is a Collection and a PageableInterface at the same time.

There are More

Our rekalogika/collections-* packages are more than just about PageableInterface. Check out the rekalogika/collections documentation for more information.