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Integrating Rekapager into a Framework

This document explains what you need to do to integrate Rekapager into a framework.


The integration package should depend on:

  • rekalogika/rekapager-contracts
  • rekalogika/rekapager-core

Implement PageIdentifierEncoderLocatorInterface

It takes the class name of a page identifier object, and returns an instance of PageIdentifierEncoderInterface that will be used to encode and decode the page identifier.

Rekapager ships with two pageable types: KeysetPageable and OffsetPageable (PagerfantaPageable is a wrapper around OffsetPageable, so it doesn't apply here). The packages already have the encoders, all you need to do is to wire their dependencies, and implement the locator.

Wire PageIdentifierEncoderResolver

The class is ready to use. It takes the PageIdentifierEncoderLocatorInterface as its argument.

Implement PageUrlGeneratorInterface

It takes a page identifier already converted into a string, and returns a URL containing the string.

Create a Pager Factory

This factory should do the following:

  • Take a PageableInterface object from the caller.
  • Determine the page identifier string from the URL. If not found, use the first page as the current page.
  • Transform the string into a page identifier object using PageIdentifierEncoderResolver.
  • Call getPageByIdentifier($pageIdentifier) on the pageable object to get the current page.
  • Instantiate Pager, and return it.

Create a Pager Renderer (optional)

This class should take a PagerInterface object, and render the pagination control in the user interface, which is probably the final result that most people are looking for.