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Symfony Integration

Symfony integration is provided by the package rekalogika/rekapager-bundle.


Preinstallation checklists:

  • Make sure Composer is installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation. Run composer about to verify.
  • Make sure your project has Symfony Flex installed and enabled (it is enabled by default). Run composer why symfony/flex to verify.

Open a command console, enter your project directory, and execute:

composer require rekalogika/rekapager-bundle

Transforming a Pageable into a Pager

Before we can render a pagination control in the UI, we need to transform the PageableInterface into a PagerInterface object. To do that, wire the PagerFactoryInterface service, and use the createPager() method.

Example with a Symfony Controller:

use Rekalogika\Rekapager\Bundle\Contracts\PagerFactoryInterface;
use Rekalogika\Rekapager\Bundle\PagerOptions;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;

class MyController extends AbstractController
public function index(
PagerFactoryInterface $pagerFactory,
Request $request
): Response {
$pageable = ...; // Get or create a PageableInterface object here

$pager = $pagerFactory->createPager(
pageable: $pageable,
request: $request,
options: new PagerOptions(
proximity: 3,

return $this->render('my_template.html.twig', [
'pager' => $pager,

Available options:

  • pageParameterName: The query string parameter name for the page number. The default is page.
  • proximity: The number of pages to show before and after the current page. The default is 2.
  • routeName: The route name to generate the URL. The default is the current route.
  • routeParameters: The route parameters. The default is the current route parameters.
  • urlReferenceType: The type of URL reference, see UrlGeneratorInterface::generate() for more information. The default is UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_PATH.
  • itemsPerPage: The number of items per page. The default is 50.
  • pageLimit: The maximum number of pages to show in the pagination control. The default is the effective value in the pageable object.

Rendering the Pager

In Twig template, you can use the rekapager() function to render the pager.

{# Outputs the item from the current page #}

<table class="table">

{# Optionally enables infinite scrolling #}
<tbody {{ rekapager_infinite_scrolling_content() }}>
{% for post in pager.currentPage %}
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ post.title }}</td>
<td>{{|date('Y-m-d') }}</td>
<td>{{ post.content }}</td>
{% endfor %}

{# Render the pager #}

{{ rekapager(pager, template="@RekalogikaRekapager/bootstrap5.html.twig") }}

Available options:

  • template: The template to use for rendering the pager. The default is @RekalogikaRekapager/default.html.twig.
  • proximity: Override the number of pages to show before and after the current page.
  • locale: Override the current locale for translations.

All options are optional.


Wants to see the pager in your language? Feel free to submit your translation.

List of currently available templates:

  • @RekalogikaRekapager/default.html.twig
  • @RekalogikaRekapager/bootstrap5.html.twig

Infinite Scrolling

Because infinite scrolling is such a common feature in modern web applications, we provide a helper function to enable it. To enable infinite scrolling, simply add {{ rekapager_infinite_scrolling_content() }} to the element that contains the items; if you are using a table, it should be the tbody element.

Infinite scrolling will be activated if the width of the page is less than 768px (equivalent to Bootstrap's xs and sm breakpoints) when the page is first loaded. It will find the pagination element (.pagination), take note of the next page URL (from [rel="next"]), and remove the pagination element.

When the user scrolls to the bottom of the page, it will fetch the next page, parse the document, get the new items, and appends them to the same element in the current page.

Default Options

The global defaults can be set in the bundle configuration file.

default_template: '@RekalogikaRekapager/default.html.twig'
default_page_parameter_name: page
default_proximity: 2

Customizing Out of Bounds Behavior

If the user navigates to a page beyond the last page, the pager will throw OutOfBoundsException, and Symfony will show a 404 error page by default.

The OutOfBoundsException class provided by the bundle is an extended class that contains information about the pager and the pager options. You can create a KernelEvents::EXCEPTION event listener to intercept the exception and customize the behavior.

Redirecting to the First Page

use Rekalogika\Rekapager\Bundle\Exception\OutOfBoundsException;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Attribute\AsEventListener;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\ExceptionEvent;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\KernelEvents;

final readonly class RekapagerOutOfBoundsListener
public function onKernelException(
ExceptionEvent $event
): void {
$exception = $event->getThrowable();

if (!$exception instanceof OutOfBoundsException) {

$url = $exception->getPager()->getFirstPage()->getUrl();
$response = new RedirectResponse($url);

Showing a Custom Error Message

use Rekalogika\Rekapager\Bundle\Exception\OutOfBoundsException;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Attribute\AsEventListener;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\ExceptionEvent;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\KernelEvents;
use Twig\Environment;

final readonly class RekapagerOutOfBoundsListener
public function __construct(
private Environment $twig
) {

public function onKernelException(
ExceptionEvent $event
): void {
$exception = $event->getThrowable();

if (!$exception instanceof OutOfBoundsException) {

$html = $this->twig->render('out_of_bounds.html.twig', [
'pager' => $exception->getPager(),
'pager_options' => $exception->getPagerOptions(),

$response = new Response($html, Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Not Found</title>
<h1>Page Not Found</h1>
The page you are looking for does not exist.

<a href="{{ pager.firstPage.url }}">Go to the first page</a>

Batch Process Console Command

The package provides a easy-to-use framework for creating console commands for batch processing. Read the Simple Batch Command documentation for more information.